Monday, February 8, 2016

Work Stuffs

So today starts an endeavor which I haven't done since I left my last job. I am working on a report and I actually get to use whatever language or technology that I want well aside from the basic sql queries. I am pretty happy this should be a relatively easy project for me to work on. And I love the feeling I get from actually having a goal while I code a bit. Even if it is something that should be really fast but there is nothing quite like the feeling of turning an 1-2 hours involved long process into something that could potentially be a 5 minute click run and forget about it process. Fatherly duties are going well... I am really looking forward to seeing how the kids like their swing set. My other interests are sort of all over the place I still don't feel very focused on anything though I am working on that. Starting to read the complete works of Oscar Wilde. I am very excited about that. Also going to start working on the CCNA again when my brain starts function. Another wake up call seeing how the older people in the industry are treated sort of like financial pariahs due to them hitting the cap on their pay. I might start working on Feral again. As a side project more so than anything else.

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